Our History
In 1976, Frankie's father started his construction business known as Builder company worked on small, residential home building projects at first but soon began building larger homes.

After 39 years of developing, Builder now is known as one of the most successful contruction company in not only Asia but also the world. We have achieved a lot of award in design and building in international market.
Design & Build 1976
Builder started business in 1976 small, residential home building projects at first
Design & Build 1985
In 1985, Builder had the first social project for the goverment. It is the large step toward of the company.
Design & Build 1991
Builder was part of Federated Blaikie Limited, a building material division within the Barlow Group.
Design & Build 2000
Builder enlarged the market to Asia market with project in Singapore, Malayisa and Vietnam.
Design & Build 2015
Builders is comprised of 20 branches throughout many countries in Asia.

We believe Builder can exceed all of our clients’ expectations in completing projects on time and on budget. We set high standards and expect successful results in quality, safety, project management and above all client satisfaction.
We are proud to work with awsome partners who are the top supplier in the world.